























Performing Intermediality –

New Perspectives on Women’s Creative Contributions to Pre-War Japanese Film Culture

Online Symposium

Sunday 12 December 2021

Society for Studies of Theatre and Film Arts, Waseda University, Tokyo

This symposium aims to cast new perspectives on women’s creative contributions to the increasingly intermedial filmmaking landscape as the Japanese film industry transitioned from silent to sound film. Since during the 1920s and 1930s women in Japan hardly had any opportunity to take up established filmmaking occupations such as directors, editors or scriptwriters, conventional media-historical approaches often struggle to acknowledge forms of women’s creative work in the industry, apart from appearing on screen. Through which methods and what kind of sources then can we recognise the work of women and how can Japanese film history better attest to their contributions? In this symposium we seek to explore how approaching the concept of intermediality not only as object but rather, as suggested by scholars such as Lúcia Nagib, as method of study might present a way forward. Understanding intermediality as a method of study de-privileges films themselves and the mostly male-dominated established filmmaking occupations as analytical focal points by rejecting hierarchical relations between the different artforms involved. Such an understanding could facilitate access to a broader sense of film culture and its film-related creative practices in which the range of women’s creative work becomes more obvious while diversifying our understanding of the pre-war Japanese filmmaking landscape in general.

Building onto indispensable existing research, we seek to bring together a broad range of case studies of women primarily in a contextualised performer-centred approach who worked across different media in relation to film production inside but also outside of the established studio and exhibition structures, of work that is extant or not. Our focus is on the long transition from silent to sound film but there is flexibility on both ends of this period. Equally, we are interested in women who worked in Japan as well as those who might have been active in Japan’s colonies at the time.

Case studies could involve but are certainly not limited to:

  • Female actors who were active across different media, focussing on their work with SP records or radio plays etc.
  • Female singers who performed theme songs for kouta/ballad- and other films
  • Female dancers who appeared or were featured in films popularising related dances
  • Female performers who performed live in cinema interval attractions
  • Female benshi

For a broad range of insights into women’s contributions, we also welcome more established approaches to:

  • Female-led film production companies
  • Female writers on film and cinema culture
  • New perspectives on the work of Sakane Tazuko

We are also open to critical discussions of methodologies and sources; problematising the notion of searching for female creative agency within the industry etc.


We invite proposals for papers of 20-30 minutes to be given in English or Japanese. Please submit paper titles and abstracts of ca. 300 words, along with a short bio by 5 September 2021 to:


Organised by the Seminar for Film History of Prof. Hiroshi Komatsu at Waseda University, Tokyo

Co-Organised by the Society for Studies of Theatre and Film Arts, Waseda University, Tokyo

Dr Kerstin Fooken, JSPS International Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Principal Organiser)

Yuki Irikura, PhD Candidate, JSPS Research Fellow DC1 (Co-Organiser)